jueves, 19 de julio de 2012


Hola  chicas, hoy publique un poco más temprano por que estaré de vacaciones  hasta  el lunes, estoy Super feliz por eso : )
El post de hoy es sobre collares baberos, son uno de los accesorios mas innovadores de esta temporada, super llamativos y dan  un realce que poco accesorios pueden igualar, la verdad es que hay una gran variedad para todos los gustos. y tu  ya los estas usando? comenta y dinos como los combinas.


Hi girls, today published a little earlier because I will be on holidays until Monday  and  Im so happy for that : )
 Today's post is about Bib necklaces this are the most innovative accessories of this season, super bright and give a boost that few  accessories
 can match, the truth is that there is great variety for all tastes.  Are you using them? comments and tell us how you like to combine them.


El rojo coral es uno de los colores de esta temporada,  y los collares babero no se escapan a esta tendencia, usar rojo en nuestros accesorios es una forma fácil de  dar color a  nuestro outfit.
Red coral is one of the colors of this season, and the bib necklaces not escape this trend, wearing red in our accessories is an easy way to add color to our outfit.
Estos  son mis  favoritos, maxi y de piedras, realmente los adoro!!
These are my favorites, maxi and stones, really love them!
Preciosos  y coloridos, que viva el neón!
Cute and colorful, long live the neon!

Estos son los collares babero maxi, son tan largos como un babero tapando el escote.
These are Bib maxi collars, are as long as a bib covering the neckline.

El dorado es un color muy de moda y chic, usarlos apropiadamente le dará un toque de distinción  a tu look.
The golden color is very fashionable and chic, use them properly will give a touch of class to your look.

Realizados en piedras preciosas de Cartier
Made Cartier gemstones

Estos  son en colores oscuros   y plateados  hechos en bisutería.
These are in dark colors and made ​​silver jewelry.

26 comentarios:

  1. I love the last necklace !!


  2. ok lets follow - you first !

    next write on my blog that you didi it I am gonna do this as well !!


  3. Great Post. I follow your Blog now.
    Please follow me.


  4. Your blog is great! I am following you now on google friend connect and bloglovin :)
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  5. Thank you for visiting my blog and your lovely comment!
    I'm following you now on Bloglovin and Facebook. Please follow back and like my Facebook page.

  6. The Cartier ones are simply amazing!

    From Paris with love!
    Kristina recently posted.. Milano, amore mio....

  7. lovely post and great blog:)
    would you like to follow each other?
    xx chris

  8. These are cute accessories!:)

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!
    ♥ SHOP: http://www.saboskirt.com
    ♥ BLOG: http://www.saboskirt.blogspot.com

  9. I love it! Nice blog What about following each other?

  10. Lovely blog! you have a great sense of style girl! Following you on GFC and Bloglovin... Hope you can follow me back.
    Much Love,

  11. Hola! Me encantó tu post, mis favoritos son los de color dorado, me los imagino con algo blanco o negro :P. Estos collares se ven muy bien con ropas básicas :)

    besitos y que lo pases genial en las vacaciones :)


  12. sooo many gorgeous jewelries! :):):)
    i want a nice jewelry!

  13. The bigger the better, I say!!! I love these necklaces!



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